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Posts posted by kingawesomeness

  1. Besides Van Egmond being confirmed, two other updates.

    Rumour: Rhali Dobson to return to City in 2019/20 (via Clem Tito Twitter)


    Rumour update: Ellie Carpenter confirmed to be leaving Canberra United. Posts goodbye photo with AAMI Park in the background (via Ellie's Twitter)



  2. Rumour: Emily van Egmond to Melbourne City.


    Hidden down the bottom of the article:

    "In other news, The Covert Agent can also reveal Matildas midfielder Emily van Egmond will join Melbourne City for the upcoming W-League season. 

    City failed to make the finals last season as they finished fifth with van Egmond set to join their ranks having previously played for Newcastle Jets. 

    While her immediate future now lies in Melbourne, the Australian is also in talks to join French club PSG when her W-League commitments come to an end."


    Rumour: Ellie Carpenter to Melbourne City.

    Via Joey Lynch on Twitter.



  3. 5 hours ago, haz said:

    If he walked on it after the injury he hasn't ruptured it

    This is not accurate. ACL is only required for pivoting movements. The reason why people struggle with walking afterwards isn't because their knee is ACL deficient, but because they get a haemarthrosis from the ligament rupture and quads inhibition from pain.

  4. 2 hours ago, haz said:

    Just doing some google research (call me Dr Haz), I doubt MOH's injury will really be 12 weeks. I'm guessing that the 12 weeks has also factored in a few weeks for him to get back to match fitness.

    Did anyone go to the event the other night? Did MOH look fine or did any one talk with him?

    He didn't go.

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