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Melbourne Football


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Everything posted by vincentcop

  1. That picture is history. That was the 1994 world cup held in Chicago and many of the top players of the time are on the picture: Darren Clark of England, Vasco Guimaraes of Portugal, Horst Deimel of Austria, Wayne Smith of the US, Christophe Fuseau of France (finalist of the tournament), Dominique DeMarco of belgium (winner). Just glory days! Believe it or not but Carl Young (on this picture, the guy with the WALES jersey), one of the top players from the 80's and 90's in the world, now livs in MELBOURNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't you believe me? Check this Facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/groups/127530464069377/?fref=ts
  2. Do you work for RSC Anderlecht!? Yes, RSCA in my e-mail means ROYAL SPORTING CLUB ANDERLECHT but I don't work for them
  3. I ask every subbuteo fan interestedto play games iin the future to drop me a lin at Vincent.cop@rsca.com so that I can send a short note to everybody when I have more new contacts. I already have 38 australian contacts in different cities and I try to get people together. Please mention your city to make things easier!
  4. Picture: looks liek the ball is normal, standard size. Club: I guess everyone on Facebook should join the following group http://www.facebook.com/SubbuteoAustralia?fref=ts and leave message to organize a get together! There were already several messages but ti's hard to get all players from the same area meeting for some games (it's the same in Penrith/Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Melbourne...)
  5. http://subbuteo-australia.blogspot.com/ a new club is about to tart in Brisbane. After Penrith (near Sydney) and Brisbane it's time to have something going on in Melbourne!
  6. That picture is history. That was the 1994 world cup held in Chicago and many of the top players of the time are on the picture: Darren Clark of England, Vasco Guimaraes of Portugal, Horst Deimel of Austria, Wayne Smith of the US, Christophe Fuseau of France (finalist of the tournament), Dominique DeMarco of belgium (winner). Just glory days!
  7. Definately the best choice.Go ahead! Hopefully you will find some other players in the area to have some great games!
  8. Will soon be enough material to organize a tournament in Melbourne. ;-)
  9. The best starter set is the one sold in Australia by Crown & Andrews here: http://www.crownandandrews.com/games/index-family-games.php They also sell the team of England, Ireland and Scotland. Quality!
  10. They are not better to use but they can be used also. The best bases for subbuteo are those made by Astrobase, REALSOCCER, Profibase, ExtremeWorks,... which are small comanies running "professional" material here in Europe.
  11. Yes, you can use the figures from Ebay in a Subbuteo game of course. Same for Total Soccer figures & bases. Total Soccer is a brand produced by the company (Netcam from Spain) who is now producing Subbuteo before they had the right to use the name Subbuteo Since they have the right to use the name Subbuteo their new bases are much better than the Total Soccer ones.
  12. Yes, there is a "super-pitch" available from some internet stores called ASTROBASE (www.astrobase.it) or EXTREME WORKS (I would recommend ASTROBASE as they offer a better service). I'm happy you enjoyed playing. Hopefully you will meet other players and have tournaments int he future. Things are moving slowly in Australia. The 3rd tournament of the year took place in Penrith (Sydney area) 3 weeks ago and the next one will be on December 15, also in Penrith. There is a group "Subbuteo Australia" on Facebook where you can stay tuned about tournaments. The group "world amateur subbuteo players association" is working really well also. Cheers from Belgium!
  13. Brett, don't forget to write the tournament will be on September 15
  14. it's just polishing the figures. You can use wax (before the game and at half-time) to help your figures glide better!
  15. There are "professional" teams like those from www.astrobase.it but I believe a starter set from Crownj & Andrews (and possibly a few extra teams) is more than enough to start!
  16. Start by building your table and flicking from times to times. When you have a chance to meet some other players, that will be fun!
  17. Try to have at least 6 players interested. 6 is a good number because if in the future you have 2 tables (or more) you can always have 4 playing and the others watching. Also all players will probably not have the same level, some will improve quickly, others not. it's important that everyone can play against opponents of the same level. You can also have different groups meeting on a regular base (for instance players meeting in location A once a month on thursday and other people meeting once a month in location B on wednesday) but make sure everyone (people from diffrent places) are welcome to play anywhere. The more locations there are (depends if you have more than 1 table), the more you can attract new players.
  18. Sure, a workshop would be a great start. I had a contact from a player from Singapore asking me when the tournament in Melbourne is going to tae place (LOL) The FB group is at http://www.facebook.com/pages/WASPA-World-Amateur-Subbuteo-Players-Association/231789816834700
  19. Yeah, that's a very good souvenir indeed. The Subbuteo world cup was played during the football world cup in germany and that was good fun. there was an Australian taking part. He was living for a few years in England but was allowed to play for Australia as he was born in Brisbane. I really hope with the relaunch of the game we can have some tournaments in Australia in the near future. Let's hope things can happen under WASPA banner ;-) (you can join the WASPA group on Facebook for more news)
  20. You're welcome. I live in... Belgium (!) but I used to be the FISTF president between 2002 and 2010 and tried to get people connected. I was happy to help to create clubs in the US, Singapore, Argentina,... and hopefully we can get something again in Australia soon. The last tournament was played more than 2 years ago!
  21. Big in Asia? -> Not really but there is a good group of players in Singapore. 2 Singapore attended the subbuteo world cup held in July at the Etihad Stadium, home of Manchester City in England! Big in Australia? -> Difficult to say. There are many isolated players. I stared a blog to try to get players together. The URl is http://subbuteo-australia.blogspot.com -> There will be a tournament in Sydney next month and I have just been in touch with 2 players from Melbourne! Sales in Australia? -> http://subbuteo-australia.blogspot.com has a link to http://www.crownandandrews.com/ as Crown & Andrews became the official distributor of Subbuteo in Australia. The basic set is not expensive and the quality is excellent! WASPA -> The World Amateur Subbuteo Players Association (waspa-circuit.blogspot.com) is trying to set up of circuit of tournaments. The other association if called FISTF (www.fistf.com) but it has a more professional structure. WASPA tournaments can be set up with a minimum of 3 players! @Marchino and other interested players: drop me a line at vincent.cop@rsca.com so that I can get a list of people wanting to play a local tournament.
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