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Everything posted by HeartFc

  1. Exactly. Nothing more real than having a family member in a serious condition. Your uncle's experience seems to be a pattern, slow recovery and sudden turn for the worse. Unfortunately health care workers seem to be getting exposed to higher viral loads and therefore suffering stronger symptoms. Hopefully years of exposure to all sorts of bugs would've strengthen his immune system. I wish him a speedy recovery.
  2. Call often! I'm chatting with my folks 3 times a week. I'm even letting my mum talk about articles she read on the internet, uninterupted. She's loving being able to talk away coz my dad usually walks off and hides in his caravan in the backyard. I'm assuming your Grandma lives alone? That would be tough.
  3. I reckon I would've got Pell off in the first trial if I was his lawyer. My opening statement would've been: "Good morning your honour and members of the jury. I'd like to start by coming forward as a victim of sexual abuse myself. I was raped at the age of 12 by none other than the lead prosecutor in this very case..." Game over.
  4. Homer vs Frank Grimes should've been a season in its self. That episode deserves the 1 number spot.
  5. All that experience in the medical sciences is really paying off.
  6. Yep spot on! Sitting in traffic kills my soul, its one of the reasons I left Melbourne. I remember most kids walked or rode their bikes to school 20/25 years ago. All these friggin 2 minute waiting zones plastered on fencing for kilometres around schools show me kids have got it too easy these days. The SUV rocks up with the iPad fired up and ready on the back seat. What happen to walking home from school with a group of mates, picking some random fruit tree and throwing the fruit at sheds and cable satellite dishes on the walk home?
  7. I'll expand a little on the work part because it sounds like I'm encouraging laziness. I mean pointless overwork: Driving 2 hours a day to the city for our boring salary jobs that make us work 50+ hours and don't allow us to live our lives. We end up cramming our weekends and hoping for a holiday before we have a nervous breakdown... and for what? a 400k death pledge (AKA mortgage), a broken marriage and eventual life long regret for not spending more time with family, friends, or doing things we dreamt about. Where you work and live also dictates things. For example I was working long hours (50-60) but it was on an island, not in a congested city. 10 minutes drive to everything, friendly people, hiking or diving on the weekends and to top it off a swim before or after work at this beach. I really don't understand people who live in big cities their whole lives, working stupid hours to buy crap they don't need. I'll calling for a return to the simple life. .
  8. Exactly this. We created a house of cards built on greed. Our enemies are using a calendar, while we use a watch (A rolex, borrowed at 3.5% interest). Lets hope this brings back the simple life. Solid family bonds, more outdoor activities, closer engaged communities, less focus on work, less social media, a respect for higher being (be it god or whatever) and most important, less reliance on government and major corporations.
  9. "Recently, I came to the conclusion that I was the happiness in my life when I had less material posessions, less distraction, more time, surrounded by nature, ocean and unexplored landscape." - HeartFC
  10. So a hysterical lady talking over a couple blokes in hazmat's is proof of a hoax. Paperwork could be wrong, might be the wrong bloke, wrong building, they don't want to filmed while fucking up. etc If you see someone constantly refute strong evidence that goes against their personal beliefs but they themselves present weak evidence in response, you might yourself a classic case of chronic cognitive dissonance. @playmker I'm still not convinced but I'm like 7/11, I'm open 24/7 brother. (ps. its a Chinese Bio-Weapon)
  11. Look, ill explain how these images often get thrown into the mix. People take screen grabs of random pictures from everywhere, they simply have to match the subject matter and have a dramatic screen grab and they go viral. The fkn loser journalists with no integrity come along, jump on the google machine and take these images on face value. They are constantly publishing shit without any research and it leads to MSM networks with egg on their faces. This is simply a bi product of 'the internet vs dinosaur media'. Of course there are naive people who take these incidents as the new order kicking in when in reality its some fkn turd on 45k who cant do their job properly. Check out the stuff 4chan has made the MSM publish due to lazy journalism. Its mind blowing how easily fooled they are.
  12. Definitely not giving anyone a hug anytime soon!😅 I think I've always been a free spirit type but realistic about how far that lifestyle can go. I'm all about hard work and personal responsibility but have no interest in the rat race whats so ever. I'd rather live on an island, scuba dive and spearfish 3 times a week than live in the city and have a 5 million in the bank. I did camp every year for 2 months down at Mallacoota for about 15 years so I've always loved the great outdoors. I guess you could say I'm having a early mid life (identity) crisis.
  13. So a bunch of lazy drop kick journalists recycling images just made you believe in a conspiracy. Bravo.
  14. Ye I think red tape is all part of the system that slowly takes away our choices in life. We lock ourselves in outrageous mortgages while having to follow an overtop set of rules dictated by an overspending, incompetent government. Covid-19 might be the beginning of a revolution in terms of what we are willing to give up for what we believe gives us happiness. Recently, I came to the conclusion that I was the happiness in my life when I had less material posessions, less distraction, more time, surrounded by nature, ocean and unexplored landscape. The feeling of self sufficiency mixed with a vulnerability in a raw and sometimes dangerous surrounding gave me a huge appreciation of life in general. Getting out of your comfort zone and focusing on just on single thing at a time (staying alive) is the ultimate in human experience. We just never do that anymore these days. I believe this personal break through was a massive key to unlocking doors into my mental health. This may sound off topic but I think it makes a lot of sense in terms of the high levels of depression in big modern cities. Will Coronavirus smash us so bad that we see ourselves in a 5 year ecomonic depression? Will we re-think about what we really need in life?
  15. Its the pressure and constant need of wanting everything in a modern society which created such a fragile system in the first place. Don't you think a system that can't take a 1 month break was destined to fail one way or another?
  16. Well apparently Jason Hoffman pulled out of that game coz "he did his back" right before the game, picking up one of his kids...
  17. Look, I love these conversations coz this is what finding the truth is all about, plus its fun. But, I fundamentally still don't understand your theory... So its fake? All these dead people are paid actors? Or, no dead people at all? The footage is fake? The coffins empty? Italy is actually fine, people are eating ravioli by the bucket load on the streets? Those empty streets? Edited footage? I need answers... Are you going to do the classic shift of the goal posts when 100k people are dead in the next month? Whats about the following 2 million that die after that? (hopefully doesnt happen) Will the theory change from a fake virus to a panic-inducing bio-weapon created to justify martial law? Is this actually a deep state clean out? In 250 words or less, in plain English, whats going on? Who's behind it? Why? And whats the end game?
  18. BTW for all the doubters, below is a photo of ebay purchase history (note pad to show its my computer). I've been prepared since November. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/13/first-covid-19-case-happened-in-november-china-government-records-show-report The first case of someone suffering from Covid-19 can be traced back to 17 November, according to media reports on unpublished Chinese government data.The report, in the South China Morning Post, said Chinese authorities had identified at least 266 people who contracted the virus last year and who came under medical surveillance, and the earliest case was 17 November – weeks before authorities announced the emergence of the new virus.
  19. Yes but its also given me time to research and be prepared for the impending world war. I just finished building an awesome fort out of sheets and chairs in my office. I'm using it as my Anti Covid-19 Command Centre.
  20. woah woah woah... Hold on a second... if you combine these 2 theories you see something truly horrifying... buckle up guys... We're currently reaching boiling point in terms of Covid-19. It keeps multiplying... "There is an old saying: If you want to hide the treasure, put it in plain sight. Then no one will see it" - Larry Dossey. -------------- Boiling point of Adrenochrome: 115c 115 x 119 (Sep 11th - Phase 1 of the NWO) = 13685 13685 x 19 (Covid-19 - Phase 2 of the NWO) = 260015 260015 x 89 (89' George Bush Sr becomes President) "Out of these troubled times, our…objective - a New World Order - can emerge…" - George Bush Sr = 23141335 I used this number to hack the CCP norton mainframe using DOS rebooting in safe mode and extracted the evidence I needed. This link leads to the source of a recent leak of CCP documents showing this was a government planned bio-weapon with backing of the NWO: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.02.23.20026864v1.full.pdf In this document is the source link, you'll find it on page... you guessed it 13. Under the following heading: 3. National Health Commission of PRC: Feb 23: Daily briefing on novel coronavirus cases in China. http://ennhcgovcn/2020-02/23/c_76779htm. See that bolded number in the source link... 76779 ...yep Hilters favourite number. 23141335 + 76779 = 23218114 This all leads to mysterious 8 digit number... why 8 digits? Its a lucky number in China, its too obvious right? Almost like its hidden in.. yep... plain sight... What else is in plain sight?Hrmm.. a bio-weapon released in a city in China where they have their top virology lab... (8 digit number: Eight is a symbol of infinity and a constant flow of energy and power. It is often related to material wealth, money, and success in business. Also, number 8 is representing pleasures, and the dark side of this figure is just that – excessive usage of vices.) Now to de-code this number 8 digit number using the Larry Dossey method and you'll come full circle... the easiest and the most "hidden in plain sight method", the cipher alphabet method: 23-21-8-1-14 HOLY FUCK .... .... .... .... ...... W U H A N
  21. TTIM: Describes government market manipulation.... blames Capitalism. Please coronavirus, don't miss this guy.
  22. That's probably more in playmakers ball park to be honest. In other news, Italy and Spain are on the brink of complete and utter collapse. Consistently losing 700 lives per day and casing are mounting like crazy. At current rate both will end up with a 1,000,000 cases and 100,000 deaths by end of April. Lets hope these isolation measures slow it down coz its looking really really bad!
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