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theresonlyonebzamora last won the day on December 26 2014

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About theresonlyonebzamora

  • Birthday September 9

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  1. It's definitely a tough call this weekend. If I had to, I'd side with Willy only on my pure hatred of Boxthorn but it's really hard cause OTOH Willy already get most of the good players by having pokies money and it'll make it easier still if they can brag that they're the reigning premier. Tbh I don't care for either of them. I'm more disappointed that Dan Noonan is leaving but that's a subject for the VFA thread
  2. Pretty sure they were calling him Bindi Irwin. It was hilarious. Also worth a mention is the time a certain forum member was told at Frankston v Port to "fuck up idiot"
  3. And he never once paid for drugs!
  4. Thread lacks Boring James Milner quotes. https://twitter.com/boringmilner/status/595290594462818304
  5. Spewing I had Mother's Day commitments and couldn't make it. The last 5 minutes was epic. We should be favourites this weekend. If he wasn't back last week Pinny should be back to help out Caino. Think Scipione is close to being back too if he's not already.
  6. Can confirm Fahrenheit is excellent. Got delivery from there last weekend. Top notch and pretty bloody well priced too.
  7. Last season was frustrating, although great to see Bonners, Bairdy, Plem etc had to go round one more time. Bonners was cooked, Bairdy did his best as always but couldn't play like he could lead. Plem could've gone another year but you can't begrudge country $$. Connors was fun to watch when he wasn't injured. I think we'll make finals this year. We recruited pretty well and a fair few kids coming through. Doubt we'll be top 4 tho. Pindick as captain is an intriguing choice. I'm happy just to be watching some decent footy, have a few durries and a borough burger. For those that haven't seen it: https://www.facebook.com/TruckHunting/posts/875985265774117:0
  8. Cad's post reminded me this needs a bump. Good first week of footy league wide, solid day down the dog kennel. Won't be there to watch PMFC kick off this weekend but confident that if the team gels early we should grab a top 6 if not top 4 spot. A lot of pressure on an inexperienced forward line but we do have Sandi and Scip down there to help out.
  9. It must have taken you a few hours to come up with this slice of wisdom.
  10. Lol tomby bet hahaha. I do have my doubts so I steered clear. Not cause Serbia are that good but Portugal are excellent at not showing up. Are Chile any good now? Paying 3.50 for a draw against Brazil. GOAT better Tesla pls respond
  11. Had Mexico/Socceroos/Germany/Wellington Sydney draw using the William Hill bonus bet. Although now Riera has been sent off pretty much no chance of Wellington getting 3 in 15 mins. Portugal @ 1.57 against Serbia is interesting.
  12. The backlash is a bit strange. Almost like we've become used to the league being non mainstream and when it does become so it isn't sitting right. SBS have football people running the coverage now but the network doesn't care for it (presumably) and don't want to have to pay a premium for it. Didn't Les Murray, the best thing to happen to SBS for years call it a day anyway? Would you rather poor coverage backed by 'experts' or perhaps better coverage by less knowledgable or less 'football people'. On that note, Tara Rushton was unheard of 2 years ago but has proved to be a fine presenter/host with a good knowledge of the game. I wonder how many people expected John Kosmina to be such a regular contributor talking football on TV (although he's previousy done print media). How many like these two exist in the wilderness because they couldn't get in at SBS or Fox? Hedaik Malloy and Tesla making some excellent points. Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
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