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Everything posted by xXJawsaXx

  1. "Kezia my darling please never forget, the world's got the substance of a frozen summer silhouette"

  2. They even said it on South Park. "Simpsons did it, Simpsons did it!" South park is more consistent though. Whilst i don't think the new Simpsons are as terrible as everyone says, theirs defiantly been a drop off from season 10 on wards in terms of the top quality of comedy compared south park which very rarely has a bad episode. Yes but the Simpsons was running for like 10 years before south park aired. I do agree south park is more consistent because it's had the same writers for the whole time. The amazing thing about the Simpsons in the early days is that those old episodes are still relevant, and the humour and delivery is still perfect, even today after seeing them so many times. I just don't think the new episodes have that longevity, but time will tell I guess. No. The new ones are far too topical imo and not funny enough to be memorable That's true, a good example is that stupid 'Kesha Couch Gag' they did. It is completely irrelevant and cringeworthy now. It'll be even worse in ten years.
  3. They even said it on South Park. "Simpsons did it, Simpsons did it!" South park is more consistent though. Whilst i don't think the new Simpsons are as terrible as everyone says, theirs defiantly been a drop off from season 10 on wards in terms of the top quality of comedy compared south park which very rarely has a bad episode. Yes but the Simpsons was running for like 10 years before south park aired. I do agree south park is more consistent because it's had the same writers for the whole time. The amazing thing about the Simpsons in the early days is that those old episodes are still relevant, and the humour and delivery is still perfect, even today after seeing them so many times. I just don't think the new episodes have that longevity, but time will tell I guess.
  4. Spot on but tbh i'm not really fussed altogether, i'll watch any cartoon. I'm pretty easy going UOTYH: Cartoons are way funnier then sitcoms. Whilst I do enjoy some sitcoms I do agree that animation has a certain quality that sitcoms can't really capture. It is far easier to indulge in absurdist humour if the show is animated for example. I just finished watching Rick and Morty, one of the funniest shows I have seen in a long time, and it's animated
  5. In terms of Seth McFarlane's shows, I think American Dad is far better than Family Guy. South Park is still superior to pretty much all Western Animated shows in my opinion.
  6. Isn't it a sad state of affairs when our most threatening forward targets are out centre backs?
  7. Protest the Hero live. Most fun I have ever had in a mosh pit. You know you are at a Progressive Metal gig when the people moshing look like Star Trek nerds haha!
  8. My opinion of Abbott is still pretty low, mostly because of his stances on social issues (same-sex marriage, etc.), and I don't like the things he is cutting. However, I thought we would be far worse off when he was first elected, and his cuts aren't nearly as bad as I envisioned them being, I also think he is handling foreign affairs like the plane crash in Ukraine fairly well. So I dunno. It is kind of a mixed bag for me.
  9. Socialist Alternative shit me to no end, but for different reasons. Even amongst the left they are divisive, and do themselves no favours when they shoot down ideas that conflict with their 'Marxist/Trotskyist Uni Hipster' ideology. I don't mean to get into politics here, but when I was actively involved in their 'affairs' (I know, I am not proud of myself either) I suggested that Socialist Alternative help out in the community. Y'know, charity work, helping the homeless etc. I reasoned that their actions actually did more to alienate people and by partaking in the community they would gather more support. However, I was instantly shot down. 'No! Protesting and being dicks is the only way!' They don't like anybody on the Libertarian Left (Market Socialists, Libertarian Socialists, Anarchists etc. In fact, they hate them, and by extension me just as much as people on the right.), and anybody in their ranks who so much as suggests implementing Libertarian Left principals (Direct Action etc.) is shot down and mocked. Is this surprising to you? Think about it... These are people who strongly believe in the government having to force benevolence on us all to achieve a 'more equitable society', or a 'fairer society', or whatever you want to call it. From that we can infer that they do not believe that an individual, acting of their own free will, has a role to play when it comes to achieving this 'more equitable society'. So why would you expect to see these Socialist Alternative Greens Voting Leftards (SAGVLs) acting benevolently of their own free will? Contrast that with someone like me, who believes that the government has a fairly minimal role to play in terms of forcing benevolence on us (it's forced because the government takes your money, via taxes etc., and then redistributes it in whatever way they, and not you, decide), and that individuals, of their own free will, will act benevolently to a sufficient level. So I think this group sees a greater need for individual benevolence and feels a greater responsibility to act benevolently when they can. The empirical evidence I've witnessed throughout my life suggests that what I've said above is true. I don't know about you guys, but I couldn't imagine a SAGVL sparing a fucking crumb for a starving person. The irony, of course, is that the whole 'socialist paradigm' in a way requires a certain level of benevolence from each individual (that, or a complete lack of rational behaviour), to even come close to being considered realistic. Now, I'm not saying there is anything wrong with never acting benevolently, I frequently argue that people have a right to be selfish if they so wish. Nor do I believe there is any great virtue in acting benevolently. Both benevolence and selfishness come from a rational decision of benefit vs cost, so just because one person derives more benefit out of benevolent acts than another does not necessarily make them a 'better person' (if there is such a thing). So don't think my position on SAGVL-types is due to the lack of individual benevolence that I identified above. Rather, it comes down to a few things, such as their unrealistic beliefs, and their general behaviour. But the primary reason is, I feel there is a certain 'negativity' about their philosophy. An opposition to individual freedom, a disbelief in an individual's capacity of rational benevolence, a preference for negative talk/expression rather than positive action, a lack of desire to see others live their lives to the fullest and on their own terms (probably even a desire to see the opposite), etc. All things which are in direct opposition to my own beliefs. I agree. I feel as if that is what separates "SAGVL-types" from those (including me) on the Libertarian Left. An example being those in Socialist Alternative who think that a 'Vanguard Left Wing Party' must lead the people to a more equitable society, of course giving the country a ridiculous name like "The Democratic People's Worker's Republic of Australia" in the process. Really, what it boils down to is SAGVL-types feeling like the 'Left should rule, only with the rule of the left will we achieve equality', when in reality true equality comes with direct democracy, equal participation in government and not feeling the need to exclude others from the process just because they believe in the free market for example. As you said, the government is not a benevolent force that will guide us to a more equitable society. True Socialism should be about freedom. People should have the freedom to live out their lives as they see fit so long as it does not impede upon the rights of others (Of course what constitues 'impeding on the rights of others' is up for debate and in the event of living in a socialist society that would be decided democratically). Is it any wonder why SAGVL-types don't like Libertarian Socialists, Market Socialists etc? We are just as opposite to them as they are to the right, even economically, I (and most Anarchists and Left Libertarians) don't believe in state planning and nationalisation of industry, although we are into alternative economic theories such as Syndicalism, and we accept that there will still be people like you Tesla in a socialist society, and the Teslas in this hypothetical society would be free to partake in government and other institutions. So myself and others with similar beliefs are opposite? Our outlook is too positive? I dunno haha. Sorry to go off on a tangent, but I do like to keep my beliefs and theirs as separate as possible haha.
  10. That's nothing to be ashamed of mate. I am a firm believer that experience is extremely important. Even if it's a negative experience at least you know. Plus your opinion holds more weight now. Yeah, that's a good way of looking at things Socialist Alternative shit me to no end, but for different reasons. Even amongst the left they are divisive, and do themselves no favours when they shoot down ideas that conflict with their 'Marxist/Trotskyist Uni Hipster' ideology. I don't mean to get into politics here, but when I was actively involved in their 'affairs' (I know, I am not proud of myself either) I suggested that Socialist Alternative help out in the community. Y'know, charity work, helping the homeless etc. I reasoned that their actions actually did more to alienate people and by partaking in the community they would gather more support. However, I was instantly shot down. 'No! Protesting and being dicks is the only way!' They don't like anybody on the Libertarian Left (Market Socialists, Libertarian Socialists, Anarchists etc. In fact, they hate them, and by extension me just as much as people on the right.), and anybody in their ranks who so much as suggests implementing Libertarian Left principals (Direct Action etc.) is shot down and mocked. It's one big attention seeking exercise from a bunch of PPL who can't find attention through the normal avenues that society offers... It's about taking pictures of Food from Dumpsters to show to other Wannabe Hipsters on Instragram rather than handing Food out to the poor with St Vincent De Paul with a bunch unfashionable Catholic Grannies where nobody will see you. I can't remember his name, but I was watching an interview with a rather well known Libertarian Socialist/Anarchist and he said: "Imagine a town with no Water Well. All of the Marxists will make some signs and protest outside of town hall until they get noticed, but the Libertarian Socialists and Anarchists would grab a shovel and start digging it themselves" Pretty much sums up the way I see Socialist Alternative.
  11. Socialist Alternative shit me to no end, but for different reasons. Even amongst the left they are divisive, and do themselves no favours when they shoot down ideas that conflict with their 'Marxist/Trotskyist Uni Hipster' ideology. I don't mean to get into politics here, but when I was actively involved in their 'affairs' (I know, I am not proud of myself either) I suggested that Socialist Alternative help out in the community. Y'know, charity work, helping the homeless etc. I reasoned that their actions actually did more to alienate people and by partaking in the community they would gather more support. However, I was instantly shot down. 'No! Protesting and being dicks is the only way!' They don't like anybody on the Libertarian Left (Market Socialists, Libertarian Socialists, Anarchists etc. In fact, they hate them, and by extension me just as much as people on the right.), and anybody in their ranks who so much as suggests implementing Libertarian Left principals (Direct Action etc.) is shot down and mocked.
  12. I agree here. For example, our public transport is way too far behind the rest of the industrialised world. I have friends who've been around Europe and all of them have said how much of a joke our public transport is in comparison. Probably because your friends are visiting the well known cities that have great systems, as far as all the cities in the world go I couldn't see our system being below average or even close to being considered a joke. Keep in mind that transport makes up 25% of the criteria for the worlds most liveable city rankings which Melbourne always is the best at. According to this site, we also have one of the largest rail and tram networks in the world. http://www.ptua.org.au/melbourne/fact/ I'll admit, I am just going by their word, but I still think there are ways in which we can improve. Besides, I don't think that size equals quality in regards to trains. I will admit though, that trams are a godsend and something that makes my trips to the city far easier.
  13. I agree here. For example, our public transport is way too far behind the rest of the industrialised world. I have friends who've been around Europe and all of them have said how much of a joke our public transport is in comparison. I don't know if you'd classify it as 'infastructure' per se, but our internet is a joke, this site says it all. http://www.netindex.com/download/allcountries/ I am not saying that the NBN was the best solution, but our internet is slower than Romania.
  14. Funnily enough there are quite a few Asians doing Asian Studies haha.
  15. I did a few European Studies Units at the beginning of my Arts Degree at UWA back in the day... needless to say they were had good amount of hot female students in them as they seemed to be mainly populated by Language Students. I also did a unit of Australian Studies once at Melbourne... it should have been called "Seppo Studies" as I was almost the only Non American in the class. In Professional Writing there are almost no guys, in a class of around 20 for Media Writing, there are only two guys, Education was similar when I did it last year (before transferring courses haha). Funnily enough, in Asian Studies there it is the opposite, quite a few of the students in the class are Asian haha! Just think of it in general terms irrespective of the subject you are considering. Those general terms would be essentially a 'conversation' moreover 'an exchange of ideas running to and from major conceptual points'. Probably the best way to conceive of it. Yeah, that's a good way of thinking about it!
  16. Currently studying both Asian Studies and Media Writing, both of which use the word 'discourse' a hell of a lot. However, the meaning is completely different in each class. Needless to say, it confuses the shit out of me haha!
  17. Earlier than what was rumoured.
  18. A life in politics is akin to being a celebrity these days, any dirt that can be found, will, and it will be published. Of course Unions still serve a purpose, but I stand by my statement that most need to be reformed and operate seperate from the state (Not in bed with the ALP)
  19. Really, I am not surprised about anything the ALP does anymore, they have been corrupt for years, as are all political parties, left and right. The problem with the Unions is that they have become bureaucratised to the point of no return. I do not agree that they should be disbanded of course. Reforming them and democratising them is the best option, but Union leaders are so power hungry that it will never happen.
  20. Good write up as always Murf. Does anyone know who Number 25 was?
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