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Melbourne Football

The Cheshire Cat

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  1. And the laughs keep coming. You crazy kids!!!
  2. Who says the chinese don't have a sense of humour Good call!!
  3. The Cheshire Cat

    Fed up

    Off to live in Parra, doing the f2f stuff or quitting being a little bitch?
  4. Who's your mate? I play for RMIT as well though I'm injured this week. (Especially disappointed cause i wanted to break Allsopp's legs) and the laughs just keep coming.
  5. Will end in tears for your mate probably. DA still a very good player based on what I saw last season. Has all the tricks in the book. Heard that he wasn't playing for them this season. That's what I heard however apparently 6 senior players left las week to go and play NPL so maybe he is pulling the boots on as desperate times call for desperate measures. I believe they lost recently to Eltham??
  6. Will end in tears for your mate probably. DA still a very good player based on what I saw last season. Has all the tricks in the book.
  7. Ringwood lost 1-2 versus Northern Falcons. Both teams evenly matched, Ringwood suffered 2 lapses in concentration and copped 2 goals. Ringwood at about half strength with Senior players out injured and overseas on holiday. But well done NF. Anybody watched Eltham?They are now in our league and they want to go un defeated again this season. Just have to keep paying the players lots of money then as when it dries up………………………… it will end in tears.
  8. Clocked it from the other end of the ground. Nice touch and sorry for your loss.
  9. Good to see you guys showed some solidarity with your silent protest too... Touche!!
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