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Everything posted by CityBoyz

  1. https://www.ftbl.com.au/news/socceroo-jeggo-heading-home-to-join-melbourne-city-604450
  2. 10 years today since City Football Group bought the club.
  3. Aurelio Vidmar on Jamie Maclaren speculation : Vidmar said that matters of player contracts and incoming players were the realm of director of football Michael Petrillo and football operations manager Pedj Radinovic. “To be frank, the policy within the club is not to discuss any player's contracts and I think that's been here since day one,” he said. “So that's not going to change. Whatever it is within the club, they need to sort it out. “We know the player that Jamie is and he's been a great player for the club. And obviously, we'd love to keep him here. In the end, they've got to decide what's in the best interest of both parties. So that's out of my hands, that's out of my control. Let's see where that goes.”
  4. https://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/football/new-melbourne-city-boss-aurelio-vidmar-wants-to-install-some-fight-in-the-fallen-giants/news-story/dfb9d4dfb4bfd70eb0e9d4bb827fb8ae
  5. https://melbournecityfc.com.au/videos/id/press-conference-jamie-maclaren-02-11-23/6340333766112
  6. https://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/football/melbourne-city-defender-aziz-behich-backs-besieged-coach-rado-vidosic/news-story/e33718ff6a9dbd82102915f698101be0
  7. Michael Petrillo https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/sen-afternoons/id1198117761?i=1000633301553
  8. He did have Mombaerts as technical director
  9. It’s a permanent deal no loan involved. Has a sell on clause percentage that’s it
  10. And Jakolis can play CF
  11. We need it all done by end of August for ACL registrations
  12. I’d say we will sign 2 more players that being a Berisha replacement and maybe a back up CB. Still have 2 visa spots vacant
  13. https://www.footballscotland.co.uk/spfl/scottish-championship/aziz-behich-set-dundee-united-27454770?fbclid=IwAR2m_RGRPjSGBOoghrCIrEer7yh3PTpKKNNOl5NMPbTpnE6jsfPisKcLcx4
  14. We have spent over 40m on the facility and that’s one of the last stage is the 4K mini stadium pitch
  15. He is but jets would have to terminate his contract which at this stage has not occurred
  16. League needs transfer fees which then rightfully compensates jets and it would be win win we get a great player and jets get much needed money that they need to survive
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