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    that shady area near the peninsula

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  1. even though its my birthday and i should be a bit more optimistic we will lose
  2. we did get warning that he can be a bit of a "luxury player" and I believe we are seeing that at the moment
  3. Since when do youi insure drivers under 25? They didn't used to so you might want to double check (even if you're doing it on parents name, they dont insure secondary/casual drivers u25 either, or didn't used to). nah I spent 20 minutes on the phone to them this morning and there is a small excess because of it but they were happy to do it. The guy on the phone also suggested having a person over 23/25 signed up as a secondary driver to keep the excess down. I made my age very clear to him and he had to write it down so its not as if he thought I was older
  4. leaning towards youi at the moment. $100 a month for full comprehensive for a 17 turning 18 year old. unless someone who knows better has an opinion? haha
  5. anyone sell car insurance? aha
  6. i was the top goal scorer for division 3 in regional north west queensland 7 years ago thank you very much sign him up
  7. a fairly reliable source has said he has completely lost the dressing room and it could have possibly been why koren marched straight down to the dressing room
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