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Showing content with the highest reputation on 16/02/17 in Posts

  1. I just knew they would attempt to brand the next side 'Victoria'. These business types are so painfully predictable in their wide net branding. I am pretty sure I remember reading something to the effect that the original Heart consortium didn't want to call the side Melbourne City, because they wanted to appeal to people outside of Melbourne. Apparently having the word 'city' in the name would deter potential regional markets. How truly out of touch are these people? If Geelong get a licence called 'Victoria Patriots', they will be pulling crowds of 4,000 and broke within 5 years. There just isn't the demand for football in regional Victoria. I should know, as I have been trying to get any of my mates to come watch A-League games, with zero success. If the FFA are hellbent on a Geelong licence, at least try and create some Geelong parochialism by calling the fucking club Geelong. I will eat my own hat if someone in Horsham says "oh hey, they're called Victoria Patriots, I'm from Victoria, this team represents me".
    6 points
  2. "Also I seem to be the only one on this forum who thinks Brandan is the best winger at the club and one of the best players in the squad" No you're not.
    5 points
  3. Everything is fine and dandy. Sky City blue is great, we all love CFG and beautiful football. Everyone is happy. No need for a fan representative group, CFG know what is best for us...
    5 points
  4. No. to me Malik is not an A League quality central defender. Muscat is a much better option in the centre, even if he is a right back first.
    4 points
  5. Which is precisely why the complaints around signing injury replacements are silly; we'd never get anyone decent enough in for those wages that would even look close to pushing people out of this squad. It's a bloody good squad, its not overrated; most of our players would walk into any other team. Which draws you to one of two conclusions ; either the coaching staff arent up to it or the players dont care. For mine its pretty fucking obvious which one it is.
    4 points
  6. Too much temple bashing causes memory loss?
    3 points
  7. Brandan is definitely our best winger and probably best in the League BUT Kamau and Fitzy played exceptionally well and if either don't start then potentially it could set them back mentally for weeks. Malik v Muscat is a lesser of two evils thought and after his poor game against Tards I'd play Malik. Rose did enough and has been reasonable enough to regain his spot and unless your going to lock Colazo at lb for the rest of the season then I'd keep Rose. Starting Cahill means dropping Caceras and gets back to the last game and he deserves to start. Playing Bruno anywhere apart from #9 is a sackable plus bashable offence. Lastly that bloke sitting next to you obviously has got no idea and listening to him must be really annoying.
    2 points
  8. I agree with your sentiment re Pierias, but he played well. If (seriously) he can get off school, I'd play him, 16 or not. As to Colazo, the bloke sitting next to me said a couple of months ago "Colazo can't play in the middle". Taken a while, but now I agree. I'd play him at left back, as to me, the 35 year old Josh Rose is now just a fill in. Malik to me is a holding midfielder only, wouldn't even have to stop to think whether I'd play Manny or him. Also I seem to be the only one on this forum who thinks Brandan is the best winger at the club and one of the best players in the squad? I would bring him straight in. Cahill. Without Durante will cause chaos if he started as striker, but that would require Bruno at #10 and City seem reluctant to do that, so I guess it's the bench, though his critics look at his general play and forget the match winning X factor. Personally wouldn't complain if he started.
    2 points
  9. I just hope Tongyik plays. Sure he has a little bit to learn but he gives me confidence in the backline as he always looks so solid and competent.
    2 points
  10. Don't care about the formation. Just no Josh You Are Axl Rose in the squad please
    2 points
  11. Be hilarious (in a macabre sort of way) watching Berbatov trudge around in front of the last defender looking for the perfect ball to his feet that never came, getting more and more pissed off.
    1 point
  12. I can't imagine much worse than watching him cover less pitch than me and having three touches on game day, then losing it when we lose 1-0 to CCM. His laziness would be exponentially worse once summer kicked in too
    1 point
  13. Surprised anyone even cares tbh. It was only ever lip service...
    1 point
  14. Or Colazo, Ruon, Killer and Pierias. Caceras and Genrau can keep their spot with Brattan in Midfield.
    1 point
  15. So it's not much but we've hit 10k listens and you guys have contributed a lot to that so thanks. please continue to give us feedback cause we want to make the pod even better and hopefully get a few first team players on soon
    1 point
  16. Don't really understand why we don't seem to have even looked to replace Gameiro, Kuzi and now Chapman. Just seems like stubbornness - seems someone's drawn a line underneath the squad and said "that's what you've got to work with - make it work."
    1 point
  17. We already had a God that is Aaron Mooy
    1 point
  18. Maybe would have been a conflict of interest with JF being coach.
    1 point
  19. Club Women's awards: Steph Catley: Player of the Year. Lydia Williams: Coaches' Award. Jess Fishlock: Golden Boot. I'm a bit surprised Fishlock didn't get Player of the Year, but there we go.
    1 point
  20. No no no do it properly and structure your lines like this: "you won't believe your ears when you hear his answer!!!" "he broke the Internet when he answered this question!!" "just click here and your life will never be the same after you hear what he said!!!" "you must listen to this .... unbelievable secrets revealed!!!"
    1 point
  21. TTDIM: This little classic from "Yes, Prime Minister." Prime Minister Hacker: Don't tell me about the Press. I know exactly who reads the papers. The Daily Mirror is read by the people who think they run the country. The Guardian is read by people who think they ought to run the country. The Times is read by the people who actually do run the country. The Daily Mail is read by the wives of the people who run the country. The Financial Times is read by people who own the country. The Morning Star is read by people who think the country ought to be run by another country, and The Daily Telegraph is read by the people who think it is. Secretary Sir Humphrey: Prime Minister, what about the people who read The Sun? Assistant Secretary Bernard: Sun readers don't care who runs the country - as long as she's got big tits.
    1 point
  22. Thanks for that. Obviously Catley isn't going to go into details, but it sounds to me as though things just got a little bit sloppy all round with the W-squad and that Paddy K has demanded a lot more from them. TBH I think that's the problem with certain other sections of the club as well - a few too many people nicely in their comfort zone.
    1 point
  23. Yeah I noticed. I really don't get the criticism of him on here at all. The guy is clearly a fantastic leader, he scores goals including big goals in big games, he does an incredible job promoting the club and the league and tonight he got us the win just like he has several times this season. What more do people want from him? He's genuinely doing exactly what he's being paid to do. If you were expecting him to come out here, run his nuts off for 90 minutes up and down the park and be a creative midfielder you've clearly never watched him play for any of his previous clubs or the national team. At the end of the day Cahill has made a name for himself by being one of the best poachers going around. He knows where to be and when to be there, he scores headers and tap ins and then the occasional belter. He's not a Kilkenny type player with a massive engine who runs and moves the ball all day. He's a finisher and a bloody good one at that. I also couldn't give a flying fuck what we're paying him and neither should anyone. At the end of the day he's basically a bonus marquee completely outside the salary cap being paid for by one of the richest men in the world on our behalf. It's not like our memberships are what's paying him like the Heart marquees of old. At the end of the day he's not the reason we're playing worse than last season as so many people on here want to believe. The reason we aren't as good as last year can be summed up in two words: Aaron Mooy. You don't lose the best and most influential player in the history of the league and expect to be as good the next season. It was never going to happen. We are currently third on the table and we've been in the top three for pretty much the whole year. We have a caretaker coach replacing an almost entirely unsuccessful coach and we've already won silverwear this season. We also won tonight in case nobody noticed? I get that people are frustrated but fuck me just a couple of years ago we wouldn't have even been able to dream of a season as good as this one currently is. Lighten the fuck up everyone and lay off the bloke who won us three points tonight. /rant.
    1 point
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