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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/06/12 in Posts

  1. I thought I would use my first post on this forum to describe how much im looking forward to 2012/13. All my life (31 years) Ive been a mad AFL guy and still am to an extent. Ive lived overseas and have seen Liverpool, Chelsea, Leeds (with kewell, okon and viduka), Blackburn, Fulham, Everton play live in the Uk. Ive also been fortunate to see a Champions League game between Real Madrid and Marseille, seeing the Galacticos up close! Last year I saw Lyon play. BUT... After switching from the Victory to the Heart for our first season, Ive never been more PASSIONATE for a sporting club than the Heart. I LOVE THE WAY: Our club started is run plays the game community engagement not arrogant like the other side of town our colours our strip our players Lets all get more passionate.. Lets have more signs, lets have more singing and lets keep beating not just the Victory but everyone else. LETS WIN THE TITLE IN 2012/13 GO HEART
    9 points
  2. Had a bit of time at Uni this morning and put together a little table to check out the value of each membership. As I was doing it I had an idea for a new membership scheme. There are heaps of people I know don't buy sports memberships in general over the Summer, because they are away for long periods on holidays, etc. My Idea is to offer prospective members the chance to build their own membership, offering from 3-10 game memberships or full (13). For each game you add to your package, you save more and more % overall. On the membership portal, you would have to allocate which games you want to attend, and as for the Derbies, they would only available to members who purchase 7+ games. (Example is based on adult GA membership)
    6 points
  3. http://picsofaznstakingpicsoffood.tumblr.com/
    3 points
  4. Don't think he was talking about you
    1 point
  5. Dude looked tall on the sideline, till he came on and now looks like a midget compared to these poles, strong height genetics in Poland.
    1 point
  6. considering putting $100 on each. money in the bank imo. even though england are shit they will still qualify and so will france so its just a matter of which way they end up.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. I never gave a biased opinion just because his name seems to be of eastern european, its just that every time I watch a ccm game, he always scores, reminds me of a Berisha, doesn't do fancy shit and feeds off from passes doing simple tap-ins whatever, but I never analysed his play.
    1 point
  9. I agree Tesla. All this bitching from cadete and co makes no sense to me
    1 point
  10. ... and I'm guessing you have that an opinion because your still a Newt tragic.
    1 point
  11. Sorry to be a negative prick, but surely this doesn't warrant a thread? I mean, this could have gone in the introduction thread? Or are we all allowed to make threads in the MHFC section about who we support, who we've seen play and why we love Heart? Or isn't there threads for each of these things? Perhaps you all should make a motivational supporters thread and ban bitters like me... I don't know.
    1 point
  12. Sack them all. Bailleu is a phaggot who builds nice infrastructure in the east, and only builds prisons in the west, not that the labor government was any better, in fact they are worse, as they had the votes here so they could have looked after their voters. As for Federal, dont get me started.
    1 point
  13. I am actually not a Torres hater, but that is a terrible picture.
    1 point
  14. Just got a Canon EOS 600D, so stoked.
    1 point
  15. A lot of match fixing going on in Italy. Makes sense
    1 point
  16. here's my mock-up of the home kit from the images we saw yesterday. this template isn't perfect though. the sleeves will be longer on the finished result and the panels will be more pronounced. also was too hard to flip the shoulder kappa logos but you get the point.
    1 point
  17. Marrone quit Adelaide because he wasn't being played at full back. Ironiclly Cagliari whanted to sign him as a mid. Otherewise if we lined up tommorow that is exactly how I'd set-up, but being a pre-season game you MUST have Hoffman there.
    1 point
  18. I reckon that is the best way to go. Get used to using the camera fist, then you can look at buying more equipment later on if you want. As I said previously, you dont want to over capitalize. You may find that the 18-55mm lens is perfect for what you need. The 18-55mm range with give you a fair amount of flexibility. A good lens to get a feel for things and get you excited about shooting.
    1 point
  19. I am more a christian7 man myself - but each to their own.
    1 point
  20. This guy delivers the lols at least. I rate him above Mario and christian7
    1 point
  21. You'll find those sort of memberships are sorted out closer to the season once the club knows the complete fixture. This is so they can tailor those particular memberships to certain games. Clearly getting a 3 game 'membership' to see us play Victory, Brisbane and Adelaide is more attractive than seeing Wellington, Perth and Newcastle. Chin up and buy a full membership.
    1 point
  22. i will be buying not only the home kit, but le jacket also.
    1 point
  23. Heart of Melbourne, I've been a member since day dot without knowing who 90% of the original squad were, My club has just sold My favourite player, My membership WILL be renewed, REGARDLESS of who they sign before the season starts. My membership renewal, loyalty and love for this football club does not hinge on the signing of a big-name player.
    1 point
  24. Williams is reverting back to his long hair, he will be back to scoring goals this season.
    1 point
  25. I would suggest to maybe buy the 550d http://www.teds.com.au/canon-eos-550d its give you a bit more freedom with what you can do than the 1100d. Which will make a big difference in the long run. Its only a little bit more expensive too. compare the specifications of each camera and weigh it up. The 18-55mm lens, is not a very good lens, but is fine for a beginner wanting to fiddle round and experiment. have you considered a non-zoom lens? something like a 50mm http://www.teds.com.au/canon-ef-50mm-f1-8-ii . The 50mm is a very good lens for the money and it produces great clear shots.
    1 point
  26. Happy for Babalj, is the kind of step he needed to make now. While we were all expecting him to destroy the league next year football is a funny game and it wouldn't be beyond the realms of possibility that he would get injured next season and miss out on a move. I have no qualms with us allowing young talent to leave overseas. My issue will be if he is not replaced properly. We have an extra half a mill in the kitty now which will hopefully cut our loses from last season a bit and allow us to make a few more decent signings. Note I am not talking about mega dollars marquee signings. Just consistent A-League standard players. Surely now the club will be putting a big striker at the same level of importance as a DM. Although I am still confused as to why a CB isn't being billed as the most important position. Babalj leaving changes the clubs position only be now having to add a striker to the list of required signings for the new season. Hopefully that 500k will help to ensure we can get our first team signings in key positions right instead of being priced out by other clubs in the A-League. We still have the basis of a strong competitive team for next year. Starting XI: Bolton Marronne (experienced cb) Good Aziz (experienced DM) Germano (Flair AM) Mate (experienced striker) Williams Subs: Redmayne, Fred, (young winger), Hammill This still leaves us with Colisimo, Kalmar, Hoffman, Thompson in the reserves who I think can all do a job when called upon. I'm far happier having a bar bones squad with every player being worth his salt than a full squad with players who just don't quite cut it consistently at this level (worm, terra etc). Four key signings will leave us as genuine title contenders imo. You'll hear the complaints coming through loud and clear if I think we are getting these signings wrong. Filling the squad out in that manner will still leave us one or two spots open to bring through youth team players or leave us with room come the second transfer period. My only complaint from our dealings so far this season is letting Srhoj go. But if he was asking for too much money than fair enough.
    1 point
  27. It really does depend on what and how you are shooting. As with everything in life, people will quite often over capitalize and cameras tend to be something that lots of people do this with. If its just to take snap shots here and there then a compact SLR will be more than sufficient. They are smaller, cheaper, just as if not easier to use and get great results. In fact its got to the point were camera phones are taking pictures of a similar quality to a decent point and click too. I know of a few photographers that have held exhibitions containing only shots taken on their camera phone, so unless you are wanting to get particularly creative with your shooting I would go a compact. However, shooting with an SLR is an absolute joy as they will always produce the best shots! I love it. Even chasing my kids around the back yard with my SLR has captured some fantastic shots that I will cherish for the rest of my life. SLRs are best for playing with the depth of field (if you know what that means ignore this- depth of field being when something is in focus such as a person, while the background is "blurry"), plus you can take complete control of a shot which is something that can really come in handy once you know what you are doing. So, as I say. It depends on what you are using it for and how "arty" you want to get.
    1 point
  28. https://www.facebook.com/VicVipersFC Has their current playing list, and awards there. One of their players is currently a Futsalaroo. I have no clue what to expect from the Heart Futsal team to be honest. Will be interesting to see what happens.
    1 point
  29. There are others on this forum that know way more about equipment than me, so my advice is prob not the best. But seeing as nobody is answering... - I have little experience with compact SLRs. I have only had two of them (years ago) one was a Nikon, one was a Cannon and thats about all I can remember about them. The Nikon seemed to have a bit of a slow processor, so it took the picture about half a second after you pressed the button which was really annoying so be sure to see if you can give it a test run before you buy it. Other than that I cant really offer much advice. - As for SLR cameras, if you are just wanting to dip your toe in the pool so to speak, I would recommend the Cannon 400D. Its cheap, piss easy to use, comes with two lenses and takes great shots. The only complaint is that the auto-focus on the 18-55mm lens has a stopped working (after about 2 or so years) which is a common problem. You can still focus manually, but view finders and manual focus functions tend to be an after thought in digital cameras due to auto-focus being the default setting. Thats about all the advice I can give TBH
    1 point
  30. Since its all just speculation, have a look at this site to get a base line on their Guess. http://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/en/melbourne-heart-fc/kader/verein_25580.html It has me baffled how you fit 23 blokes into a 2.3m Cap (excluding marquees)
    1 point
  31. Someone said breaking bad is coming back:
    1 point
  32. He's shit. So is Terra if I am honest. Both can GTFO. Maycon too. There's three Import spots. Also get a defender that can defend.
    1 point
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